December 2, 2023

Truck Driver Tips to Stay Alert

Working as a truck driver can lead to long hours staring at the road, but keeping your focus is crucial. You need to stay alert and at your mental best for your safety and the safety of those around you.

Carter Driver

Working as a truck driver can lead to long hours staring at the road, but keeping your focus is crucial.  You need to stay alert and at your mental best for your safety and the safety of those around you.

A few things can help you:

1. Get good-quality rest

  • Avoid     electronics before sleeping – the blue     light impedes melatonin release
  • Pay     attention to regulation minimums
  • Stop     whenever you need to
  • Take     breaks and cat naps when needed
  • Don’t     drink alcohol right before bed (even at home), it     inhibits REM sleep
  • Talk to     your doctor if restful sleep becomes an issue

2. Take care of your health

  • Stay     hydrated
  • Avoid     large meals or sugary foods that lead to an energy crash
  • Don’t rely     on heavily caffeinated drinks
  • Snack     frequently on fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise     frequently, even a short walk can help
  • Cut habits     like smoking or high-alcohol consumption

3. Stay focused when you drive

  • As always,     keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road
  • Turn the     heat down in the cab
  • Listen to     stimulating (but not distracting) music or audiobooks
  • Pull over     if you’re overly angry, worried, or upset about something
  • Never     ignore signs that you need to stop and rest


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