December 2, 2023

Truck Driving Over the Holidays

Truck driving during the holiday season can look a bit different. With holidays comes increased traffic as families begin to travel, as well as the possibility of inclement weather. On top of those is the increased demand for deliveries meaning more trucks on the road. Staying safe during this time and staying connected to your family while you are away are top priorities for many truck drivers. Be sure to check out these tips for safe driving during this time and making sure you make the most of the holiday season yourself.

Carter Truck

Truck driving during the holiday season can look a bit different. With holidays comes increased traffic as families begin to travel, as well as the possibility of inclement weather. On top of those is the increased demand for deliveries meaning more trucks on the road. Staying safe during this time and staying connected to your family while you are away are top priorities for many truck drivers. Be sure to check out these tips for safe driving during this time and making sure you make the most of the holiday season yourself.

  • Safety First - Be sure your     rig has been thoroughly inspected and passed all safety requirements to     lessen the likelihood of a breakdown. While there’s never a great time to     break down, it’s even less fun when doing so with increased traffic going     by in subzero temperatures.
  • Pack Wisely - Be sure that     your emergency safety kit has been restocked in the event you do break     down along the road. It is also wise to keep two days’ worth of food and     water with you in the event inclement weather creeps in and leaves you     stranded.
  • Travel Wisely - While many     truck drivers like to drive at night due to a lighter flow of traffic,     holiday traffic can be steady both day and night. Because winter weather     is approaching, experts say driving during the day, even in holiday     traffic, is safer because you are able to spot icy patches easier than     during the night.
  • Stay Alert - Make sure     that you are alert and on the lookout for distracted drivers around you.     Traffic will already be heavier during this season, and it only takes one     distracted driver to cause a serious accident on the interstate.
  • Rest Wisely - Always idle     between 900 and 1000s RPMs to ensure your engine does not freeze. It is     also wise to make sure you always have at least half a tank of gas. While     the gas itself will not freeze, condensation may build in an empty tank     and freeze. 
  • Be Present - Being on the     road can be isolating. When you do find yourself back home during the     holiday season, take the time to be present with your family and friends.     Try to eliminate distractions around you and truly enjoy the time you have     with your loved ones.
  • Technology is     your Friend - Not every truck driver will have the luxury of being home this     holiday season. Take advantage of the technology the world has to offer     these days. Video chatting is a great way to stay connected.
  • Be a Community - Look after     fellow truck drivers who are on the road during the holiday season. While     it may not be the same as your mom’s homemade dinner, taking the time to     eat with fellow truck drivers while on the road can really boost morale.


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