November 22, 2023

What Do REAL Drivers Do to Stay Healthy on the Road?

Being on the road a lot can add many challenges to life, one of which is staying healthy.

Driver Workouts

Being on the road a lot can add many challenges to life, one of which is keeping your mind and body healthy. It can be all too easy to run through fast food restaurants, not get enough exercise, and fall out of shape. This is why it is important to stay mindful of the choices you are making in your daily life. We asked real drivers what they do to stay healthy while they are on the road. 

Healthy Meals

Knowing you should eat healthy and eating healthy are two separate things. Especially when you are traveling and around new environments. It can be very difficult to find healthy alternatives on the road, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible or that there are solutions out there. One of the largest responses, almost 60%, from our survey was to avoid fast food. Fast food is convenient and quick, which makes it perfect for people constantly on the go. But it is quite the opposite for people trying to stay healthy. Eating fast food regularly can lead to high cholesterol and blood pressure; extra calories that lead to weight gain, increased blood sugar, insulin resistance, and even depression and heart issues. All that could have long-lasting symptoms for the rest of your life. Because professional truck drivers are held to a higher health standard by the Department of Transportation, remaining “medically qualified” is critical to, not only your well-being but also your livelihood. This means eating healthy is very important!

Now completely avoiding fast food may not be possible and that is ok. But it will be very beneficial if you can limit the amount of fast food that you eat. And the more that you can cut out the burgers and fries and add healthier options, the healthier and happier you are likely to be. An alternative many drivers do is pack certain snacks or drinks with them to help satisfy cravings without running through a drive-through.

Snacks & Drinks

Fast food is named that for a reason. It is quick, convenient, and gets you on your way as soon as possible, but sometimes there just isn’t enough time for that. Or you may just get hungry throughout the day. Instead of constantly stopping or running through someplace to get food, many drivers pack snacks and drinks to have with them. Although this can be a good alternative for fast food some snacks can also lead to other issues. Certain snacks and carbonated beverages may taste great, but there are still many options out there that are still really harmful. It is also important to be mindful of the fact that too much of anything can be bad for you.

When we asked our drivers what they do; 53% of them said that they bring healthier snacks. 27% don’t drink soda/pop at all. These two options together can have huge impacts on your health. The extra sugar and calories that you get from snacking can lead to weight gain, high blood sugar, insulin resistance and even diabetes, and more. So next time you are about to hit the road, forget the carbonated beverages and grab a water bottle, unsweetened tea, or even a sports drink instead. Pack some healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables or nuts.


No matter what you eat, you are going to have calories and that means that you need to find ways to burn off some of those calories. Since getting enough exercise while you are on the road can be challenging, many drivers just go to the gym or work out when they are home. Others try to take walks or ride a bike during downtime. Some even just take laps around their truck while refueling or during breaks.

Just the simplicity of finding ways to move your body isn’t just crucial for staying physically fit mentally as well. Exercise is one of the main ways to uplift your mood and release feel-good hormones throughout your body. Being creative and switching up your exercises can often make it easier to stay entertained and motivated while working out. Getting exercise doesn’t need to be a full workout routine in a gym for you to get fit. Even just daily walks can help burn those calories and help you get in shape.

Now these are just a couple of helpful tips for you to begin a healthier life on the road. Below are a couple of additional resources with more information about things that truck drivers can do to get and stay healthy.

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